Lilies Mix Bouquet

Lilies Mix Bouquet

SGDΒ 380.00

Lilies are often describe as versatile and classic, expressing love and admiration suitable for any occasion.

Featuring a pastel colour palette with main features of lilies, roses, tulips and other complementary elegant floral and foliages.

Size of BouquetApprox. 35-40cm diameter

Delivery Method

  1. Self-Collection: Free of charge
    12 New Industrial Road
    Singapore 536202

  2. Delivery Charge : $20

* 2-day advance order is required as lilies requires some time to bloom.

*Please note that due to seasonal availabilities, some flowers may be substituted for a flower of equal beauty, quality and price. The photographs are designed to give a general guide for colors, styles, designs and occasions. We endeavor at all times to create designs as close as possible to your selection.

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